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  • Writer's pictureBetsy Lynne

Never Forget

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Text in fancy all cap font. Happiness can be found, even in the darkets of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. ~ Albus Dumbledore

"Never forget" is my 2022 motto.

Never forget what I've learned this past year through various trials and tribulations, both at home and at work.

Never forget the way I felt before, during and after the worst of it: the fear, the self-loathing, the fear, the pain, the FEAR, the release, the relief, the uncertainty and finally, the calm.

Most of all, never forget how blessed I am to have weathered the storm and to be where I am today: healthier, happier, more resilient, stronger, less fearful.

Regarding Dumbledore's quote above: My values always have been and will continue to be honesty, kindness, laughter and loyalty. (Yes, I am truly a Hufflepuff!) For a long while, I forgot how good it feels to live in line with my values and what a struggle it is when I don't. I forgot that darkness doesn't control me, I control the darkness — and therefore my happiness. I must remember to turn on the light.

To me, this is what it means to embrace the gray. Obviously there will be highs and lows, but I don't seek them out, nor am I content to stay in either extreme for very long. The goal is the calm sea, the even keel.

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